Radial shockwaves (also referred to as Radial Pressure Waves RPW) are pressure waves generated by compressed air. The compressed air is used to drive a projectile in a cylinder located within the handpiece to a shock transmitter, converting the kinetic energy into acoustic energy. The acoustic energy is absorbed by the human tissue and can be used to treat a larger area.

In conjunction with an effective exercised based rehabilitation program, Radial Shockwave can be extremely effective tool to help manage stubborn/chronic conditions such as:

  • Achillies tendinopathy

  • Planta fasciitis

  • Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) and medial epicondylitis (golfers elbow)

  • Patella tendinopathy

Please note that we do not recommend shockwave for acute injury as the treatment is designed to temporarily create an inflammatory response. Talk to one of our physiotherapists at your next appointment to help determine as to whether this type of treatment would be suitable for your condition.